When winter rolls in and temperatures drop, many gardeners think that the best way to protect their plants is by keeping their greenhouse tightly shut. Međutim, to možda nije uvijek najbolji pristup. Prekomjerno zatvaranje staklenika može dovesti do problema koji mogu naštetiti vašim biljkama. Dakle, kako možete pravilno upravljati svojim staklenikom tijekom hladnih mjeseci kako biste osigurali da vaše biljke ostanu zdrave? Pogledajmo.
1. Kako funkcionira efekt staklenika: Sunčeva svjetlost održava vaše biljke toplo
Staklenik funkcionira na temelju principa nazvanog "efekt staklenika". Tada sunčeva svjetlost ulazi kroz prozirne materijale poput stakla ili plastike, zagrijavajući biljke i tlo iznutra. As the sun heats the surfaces, this warmth is trapped inside the greenhouse, preventing it from escaping easily. As a result, even if the temperature outside is freezing, the inside of the greenhouse can remain significantly warmer.
Tijekom dana, temperatura unutar vašeg staklenika može porasti za 10 do 20 stupnjeva (ili čak više) u usporedbi s vanjskim. This allows plants to continue thriving in a protected environment without exposure to the harsh winter conditions outside.
2. Zimski izazov: hladne temperature i zdravlje biljaka
Even though a greenhouse can provide some warmth, cold temperatures still pose a challenge, especially for plants that thrive in tropical or warm climates. Kad temperature padne prenisko, biljke mogu patiti od oštećenja mraza ili usporiti svoj rast dok ulaze u mirovanje.
Neke biljke su posebno osjetljive na hladnoću. For instance, tropical plants like tomatoes or peppers may stop growing entirely during winter if the temperature inside the greenhouse isn't kept high enough. On the other hand, hardier plants, such as succulents or certain types of herbs, can withstand cooler temperatures and may still grow well during the winter months. Managing the temperature properly inside your greenhouse...
3. Prednosti i nedostaci zadržavanja vašeg staklenika
Čvrsto zatvoreno staklenik može ponuditi nekoliko prednosti, ali također dolazi s potencijalnim nedostacima.
- Ventilacija
- Kontrola temperature
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